Thursday, December 10, 2020

Product/Market Fit As a Organizing Principle for PMMs

“Product-market fit means being in a good market with a product that can satisfy that market.

Marc Andreessen, co-founder and General Partner, Andreessen Horowitz, Guide to Startups

When I’m asked “What does Product Marketing do?” I respond that it’s the core role that drives product-market fit, matching the product to the right buyers. All markets are made up of buyers and sellers… and when the needs of buyers are met by the offers of sellers, there’s a transaction. For me, it’s the role of Product Marketing Management (PMM) to drive this for the company that is, to influence product development to meet the market needs, and to help find the right market buyers that need the product being offered. When both of those conditions are met (and it’s a continual process!) there’s great fit and a successful business. (Really, this is just a variation of Bid/Ask). So, PMMs are the core role rationalizing Product Management, Sales, and Go-to-Market motions. 

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