Herein I post plates that I personally see (or submitted by friends). And boy, are there a ton of proud techy nerds driving around. To wit:
011111 - Guest vanity plate submission. Yes, probably a machine language nerd, but what's the message?
100MBPS - The guy is clearly into networking. And he's probably flaunting the bandwidth he has to his car.
68000. Geeky reference to the Motorola 68000 processor used in the first Macs. And parked outside the Hillsdale Apple store. D'oh.
802.11AC - Guest submission from @DavidGee - Think high-bandwidth WiFi protocol, and you'll get the picture of how truly nerdy this plate really is.
Airpods. What he listens with, what he does, and probably how he affords the ride.
Apple. No, not Steve's car. But I'm sure they've had multiple offers for this plate. Wondering how many times it's been stolen. Oh... and years later, I see the owner made a major hardware upgrade!
Apple22. Could it be an early employee? Then again, it could be a car service.
Apple MV - Apple Mountain View? Momentous Vision? Motor Vehicle?
APPLE OS - More general purpose than saying Lion or Tiger or any other aggressive mammal. (also see AAPL 9 below)
AAPL 9. Ticker for you-know-what. Possibly referring to employee number, iPhone version, MacOS or other? (also see AAPL OS above)
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APS Market - Maybe they work for Google Play? Apple App Store?
BEA Number 1. BEA… fastest SW company to reach $1B. And this is a Proud Man (and the ex-BEA CEO). Go Cardinals.
BLM RCH - Short for BloomReach. Big Data analytics. Small Car transportation.
BSSID - Basic Service Set ID (for those not in the know). He knows his wireless MAC, daddy.
ByLogic - Is this about how they think? Or are they into rational biology?
Byte Guy. Original editor of that dated magazine? Machine Language programmer?
Canadian Engineer. Met this guy.... owned by a proud Canuck from the GWN. And, no less, a real Rocket Scientist.
Comp LWR. Whether this lawyer is into computers or compensation, another only-in-silicon-valley sighting. Probably knows the Byte Law guy above.
CTXS Ready - For those in the know, it's the Citrix technology compatibility program. Thanks @swarna for reminding me to post.
DP AAPL. This is an obscure one. I think they must have made money by being a Depository Participant (DP) brokering Apple Stock.
Engineer F+ - What do you call the person who graduates last in their engineering class? An engineer.
Boggs, co-inventor of the internet! Only in Silicon Valley...
FACEBK - needs no introduction Guest submission by former colleague @mitchparker. Plate probably does not belong to Mark Z.
Geek Girl - And proud of it.
GIGA OM - Could be the Man himself, Om Malik... but more likely an analyst at the firm. (Guest submission by Dave Berger)
Good AI. Better than Tepid AI. The enemy of Perfect AI. (Guest submission sighted by @davidgee)
Go Pure: My bet is it's a Pure Storage marketing vehicle. Is a vanity plate fee deductible as a business expense?
HAX 4 BUX - Clearly a blue team or red-team member? Ethical hacking, I hope. (Guest submission by @guycole)
Hey RTFM - [Guest submission] Clearly displayed by an enlightened, yet very frustrated, front-line IT support person. For the uninitiated, think: Read The F%&# Manual... a common complaint when dealing with instruction-averse users. Thanks again to @skpodila for finding this via @UODucks.
HTML 20. So classic. So IETF. So groundbreaking. But so 1995.
HTTP 204 - No Content. Is this guy trying not to say something? Must also be a super-nerd given they graduated from Hogwarts. (Guest Submission from Laura A)
HTTP 451 - Error code for Site Unavailable for Legal Reasons - If, for example, it's censored by the government. I'm soooo curious what business this guy has. Or had.
HW Engr - Hardware is still king, despite how much software-defined-everything seems to dominate trade press.
I Hate Microsoft Well, someone was either burned bad by Balmer, or worked for Sun Micro at some point in their career. [Guest submission] Thanks to @derek32smith for snapping the pic and for @skpodila for bringing to my attention.
I LOVE GOOGLE - I'm betting they love that ticker too, judging from the quality of Ride they were driving.
I Love Lytro - This guy clearly knows something about Light Field imaging cameras and sensors. If you don't believe me, ask Andreessen-Horowitz, Greylock and NEA.
In Beta - You know this person does lots of development and testing. I wonder if their other vehicle has "Outa Beta"?
Innovate IP - Judging from the high-end Porsche this is bolted to, I'm guessing they're an IP attorney, or made serious coin with IP licensing (no pun intended).
IP Reuse - Intellectual Property or Internet Protocol? Patent lawyer or inventor of DHCP? IPv4 company car? You get to decide.
IPSEC - that would be IP Security. This is a serious network security guy. And apparently, the profession pays.
IP Video. Besides, who uses broadcast TV or cable anymore? This photo also receives the "Only in Silicon Valley" bonus award for the MIT license plate frame.
Java Com. Likely a reference to But what's with the "Got Coffee" reference? (Hopefully just wry humor.) 3rd Java-related vanity plate sighting!
Java Fun. Love this one. And it ain't about coffee… cross-referencing SUNW above.
Java Man. From the looks of this plate, it historically pre-dates Java Fun (above) and possibly Neanderthal Man as well. Could it possibly even pre-date the programming language?
Java Man. From the looks of this plate, it historically pre-dates Java Fun (above) and possibly Neanderthal Man as well. Could it possibly even pre-date the programming language?
MEMLEAK - modern version of oil leak? Or maybe they know I Debug, above?
(Guest submission by D. Berger)
(Guest submission by D. Berger)
Mozilla - a Fiery, Foxy vehicle.
MY IoT - Just one of a few billion programmable Internet-of-Things. This one just happens to have four wheels. (Guest submission from a friend)
MY IoT - Just one of a few billion programmable Internet-of-Things. This one just happens to have four wheels. (Guest submission from a friend)
NASDQ FB: Many of you will instantly recognize the references to the exchange and to the ticker.
NETGURL - Faster than a speeding packet. More powerful than a 32-core CPU. Able to leap great latencies with a single bound. It's.... NetGurl.
NETPOP1 - If you're a geek, this means a Network Point-of-Presence. If you're not, you're just a cool networked dad.
NETGURL - Faster than a speeding packet. More powerful than a 32-core CPU. Able to leap great latencies with a single bound. It's.... NetGurl.
NETPOP1 - If you're a geek, this means a Network Point-of-Presence. If you're not, you're just a cool networked dad.
Net Sclr. Judging that this was taken in a Citrix parking lot, I'm guessing this guy has something to do with NetScaler. That's auto load balancing for network traffic, not load balancing for automobile suspension in traffic.
Neural Net. (Guest Submission) That this is on a NetFlix plate holder makes me wonder how their recommendation engine really works....
No Login. (Guest submission from @AndrewShikiar ) Spotted on the way to an Identity and Authentication conference. Passwordless is on the way.
Not PC. A Mac user, then?
NVIDIA GPU. Best-guess is the owner designs Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) at NVIDIA. Stock appreciation clearly helped buy this ride. (Guest submission from @LauraAgarwal)
PIXXL - Is this a commentary on the size of the vehicle, or on their display technology profession?
PPT DIVA - Probably works for Duarte. Seriously... how would we possibly convey any ideas at work if it were not for PowerPoint?
PR Maven - In the world of high-tech, your Public Relations staff need to be bold. Clearly not lost on this PR professional.
PWR V*I. Another apropos Tesla vanity plate right around the corner from me. What? That's a Watt.
Quantum - An apropos Si Valley vanity plate found on a compact 2-seater.
...was that a wave, particle, or BMW Z4??
SaaS APM. Why do we use acronyms in Silicon Valley? Because that's short for Software-as-a-Service (delivered) Application Performance Management. Guessing this one's owned by someone from NewRelic or AppDynamics?
Quantum - An apropos Si Valley vanity plate found on a compact 2-seater.
...was that a wave, particle, or BMW Z4??
Roblox. Dedicated gamer, or committed game designer?
ROM RAM - Cute couple's initials? Maybe. But more likely that this guy's into volatile and nonvolatile memory technology.
SaaS APM. Why do we use acronyms in Silicon Valley? Because that's short for Software-as-a-Service (delivered) Application Performance Management. Guessing this one's owned by someone from NewRelic or AppDynamics?
Server Dude - An Iron Hugger in a Prius? Anyway, hoping to find Server Gal soon. To pair with HKRGRL and NETGURL above.
Silica. His wife's car is plated SiO2. I have to wonder what form of the compound he made his fortune with. (Perfect for a Blog post with the word "Silicon" in it).
SMB Guru. [Guest submission] Yep, that's his thang. Small Businesses. Billboard or vanity plate? Thanks @AnuragTechaisle
Square Wave - Vehicle corners tightly, not sinusoidally.
SUNW. A bygone ticker preceding a bygone ticker (JAVA) for a bygone company (now ORCL) that held a special place in my heart. Alas, it didn't look like Scott was the guy driving.
TAO WEB - The way of the Web? The path of Packet? The avenue of the Applet? The trail of TCP/IP? Ommm.....
UNIX. 'nuff said. (Guest submission from @davidgee)
SIGSTOP. (Guest submission from David B). A Linux geek who prefers to Pause, rather than Kill. Perhaps a message to pursuing RoboCops?
Siri - Hey Siri, are you owned by the same driver of the Benz?
Square Wave - Vehicle corners tightly, not sinusoidally.
SUPER AI - Maybe an update to Tesla's Auto Pilot? (doubt it).
Syntax Error - A frustrated compiler designer?Think Different. Another AAPL employee toeing the company line?
U+1F697. That's unicode for the car emoji.
Totally nerded-out. (Guest submission from @veltman)
UNIX. 'nuff said. (Guest submission from @davidgee)
UPDATES - For that Tesla, that's not any updates, but over-the-air-updates.
UX Dzinr. [Guest submission] And that's quite a user experience you're driving Mr. Designer. Thanks @susanwu88. Recently saw this guy in my neighborhood. So I'll take credit for the sighting, too.
VC Chic - Funder of fashion startups? (Guest submission from L. Agarwal)
Venture. I'm guessing that's the industry that got this guy/gal their Tesla, as well as their spot in Woodside where this was photographed.
VMUNIX - I'm nerding out here... Back in 1979, 3BSD (the third Berkeley Software Unix Distribution) was released. First to have Virtual Memory, hence VM. I'm guessing that by the type of license plate this Beemer is sporting, this guy was part of it. Also loving this latest find due to the Net BSD plate two clicks up.
Wavelength - velocity over frequency. But then again, this guy might have just been a surf bum.
Webmaster1 - yes, I believe you were #1... because this car may have been around since Tim Berners-Lee invented the web.
WWW NET. Truly a perfect Silicon Valley capture. Made even more satisfying by the fact that it was on a Tesla driving on Sand Hill Road.
XCODE it. Definitely someone who develops for the Apple platform. Actually, for ALL Apple platforms. Google it sometime.
Yodlee - think this guy works there? (BTW, nice ride)
OK, this isn't a vanity plate sighting. But the SLS was being driven in my hood by a local businessman, sailor, and Forbes Man #5…. Larry E.
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